Cook Crack Cocaine In Microwave

Cook cocaine until you render it useless. First of all, it is illegal and even if you think you have cocaine, it is cut with other substances.even baby formula. That is why flies are attracted to the nasal passages of users and they lay their eggs in the nostrils.then the eggs hatch and begin to migrate toward your brain causing excruciating headache and a trip to the emergency room. So, avoid becoming maggot food. It is simple.just say NO. Secondly, it is highly addictive and once you are hooked you will not care what you are snuffing up your nose or injecting in your veins and you run the risk of death and certain destruction.destruction of your body, character and all of your relationships. Thirdly, ask the experts at the DEA.

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  1. Easy Way To Make Crack
How is crack cocaine madeMake crack cocaine in microwaveCocaine

Easy Way To Make Crack

If you should have a cocaine habit then put your baby onformula. Cocaine or many other drugs (even over the counter drugs)should not be used while breast feeding. 'Cocaine and itsmetabolite benzoylecgonine were found in maternal milk for 36hours.' Cocaine used during breastfeeding is never sa fe in anyamount. Women who use cocaine regularly should not breastfeed, asit would be almost impossible to avoid infant exposure.

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