Eagle Pcb Software Tutorial

First open eagle.scad then you need to hover over FILE then NEW then click on schematic. After that you should have a new window pop up. Descargar adobe acrobat gratis This is were you are going to draw your schematic.


Eagle Pcb Tutorial


Older Version Of Eagle Pcb Software

This tutorial leads you through the steps necessary to make a simple two-sided PCB using EAGLE. This guide is operational: it shows in detail what you do and how to do it. Before you start the tutorial take 5 minutes to go through the Cadsoft EAGLE Guided tour, to get an overview.

To add a component you need to click the add button. Then find your component.

Eagle Pcb Software Download

Click OK and you should have the schematic sign of your component, just click and it will be added. That I show you add a part.

Keep doing that Intel you have all the parts you need. To turn a component all you have to do is right click. To convert your schematic to a board all you have to do is press the board button. Ones you clicked that a window should pop up and you should see your components outside of the square.to move your components click the move button.

The yellow lines that you see connecting your components means that they are unrouted. There are 2 ways to rout your component.one way is by hand and the other way is using the auto route button. To rout by hand you click the rout button then click the two ends of the components. When the line that you make is red then its on the top of the board if the line is blue than it is on the bottom.to use auto route just click auto. You can also add text in your board all you have to do is click the button that seas text, type what you want it to say then click ok. Your text might come up in red or blue this Is not good but it is ease to fix. All you have to do Is click select layer button then find ether Tsilk or Bsilk.

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