Google Play Store Raw Apk

Google Play Store Raw Apk

Download the latest version of Google Play Services.APK file. Autodesk 3ds max 2012. Google Play Services 14.7.99. Google Play Store by Google LLC Version: 13.1.33-all [0] [PR]. Raw apk google play store, see also any related to raw apk google play store, from on December 2018.
Google Play Store Apk Free Download
Currently, we distribute our app using Google Play App Signing - That's mean, after we uploaded the signed APK (key is provided by Google Play store), Google will 'help' us to re-sign the APK again, using the private key we had uploaded previously. I was wondering, if we intent to distribute our APK to a 3rd party play store, or distribute it as raw APK, what key we should use to sign the APK? I wish to ensure if the user download the app from 3rd party play store, or install as raw APK, he is still able to update the app, via Google Play store.