Pejabat Buruh Selangor

Nov 30, 2017 - Sekiranya anda tidak pasti, rujuk dengan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja. Yang beroperasi di Sabah, ibu pejabat/ syarikat induk berada di Selangor. Jabatan ini bertanggungjawab memastikan pembangunan lestari dalam proses kemajuan Negara dan alam sentiasa bersih, sihat dan selamat untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. JAS juga berperanan sebagai penyebar maklumat, kemahiran dan idea-idea bernas bagi pembangunan minda masyarakat ke arah penghayatan alam sekitar secara berterusan.

Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM) is also known as the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia in English. Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia is a department under the (Malay: ).


Biopharmaceutical classification system. Established in 1912 as Labour Department (Malay: Jabatan Buruh). Before the establishment of Malaysia in September 1963, the functions of the Department were under the jurisdiction of the district office.

Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Contact Number

After Malaysia was formed, the Department was placed under the purview of the Ministry of Labour, which was renamed the Ministry of Human Resources in 1990. Prior to 1960s, the main objective of the Department was to protect the interests and welfare of workers in the agriculture and mining sectors. In 1970, the Labour Department (Malay: Jabatan Buruh) and the (Malay: ) were consolidated into a single department and its objectives were widen to include resolving disputes involving workers and trade unions. In 1972, Jabatan Buruh splitted off in a restructuring exercise to streamline its operations. It was entrusted with the main objective of safeguarding and protecting the interests and welfare of workers and employees in order to create a conducive working environment for employees. On February 19, 2003, Jabatan Buruh was renamed Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK) as a result merger of the Employment Services Division (Malay: Bahagian Perkhidmatan Pekerjaan) of the Manpower Department (Malay: Jabatan Tenaga Rakyat) and Jabatan Buruh. The roles of Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia was increased and broadened to include collecting data on labour force and public sector job placement services.

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