Coldplay The Scientist

Coldplay The Scientist Meaning

However, the liner notes from booklet states that 'The Scientist is Dan.' , referring to Dan Keeling, the A&R man who signed Coldplay to Parlophone. The music video for 'The Scientist' is notable for its reverse narrative. If you ask me, the meaning of any song changes based on the listener, and the way they tie up the lyrics with their own personal experiences. No piece of art ever has only one real meaning, and the same holds true for Coldplay's 'The Scientist'.
The video opens, looking down on Martin who is singing, as he lies on his back on a mattress. As the camera shot pulls back, the mattress is revealed to be outside. A cyclist cycles past in reverse and Martin leaps up from the mattress. He walks in reverse through a city, out into the suburbs and eventually crossing a railway line and into woods, picking up his suit jacket as he goes. Upon arriving at his car, a black BMW, he gets in and briefly passes out. A woman, at first shown lying unresponsive on the ground in front of the car, is shown flying back in through the shattered windscreen.
Youtube Coldplay The Scientist
The car rolls back up a hill in the woods and through a broken fence, which joins back together as the car passes through it. As the video closes, the couple is shown driving back up the road. It is revealed that Martin's passenger had removed her seat belt, in order to put her jacket on, just before the car accident, causing her death.
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