Cracker Past Expiration Date

  1. Graham Crackers Past Expiration Date

A reader requested a post on this topicso here you go! Before I start, though, I just want to point out that I’m not an expert on this subject, and it’s usually best to err on the side of safety when you’re dealing with foods that can make you sick(mostly animal products). Better to waste a bit of food than to get food poisoning! My suggestions here are for foods in their original statefor example, what I say about sour cream will not apply to the seafood dip you made with the sour cream. It’s important to distinguish between the types of dates you see on packages.

Saltine crackers expiration date

Nov 19, 2012 - Is it safe to eat foods after these dates expire? Many packaged foods such as crackers, cookies, canned soup and tinned tuna can be eaten.


Graham Crackers Past Expiration Date

Some are sell-by dates, which just means the store needs to sell the item by that date. Eggs are dated like this, and often they will have a “use by” date in addition to the “sell by” date. Some other dates are “best before” dates. These can usually be found on items like oatmeal, popcorn, cereal, dried fruit, candy, tea, hot drink mixes, and crackers, to name a few. These foods are usually perfectly safe to eat after the “best before” date, but they just won’t be at their optimum freshness. For instance, dried fruit is usually pretty tough after the “best before” date, but I’ve used it successfully in things like muffins or quick breads. And crackers past their dates won’t be very crispy, but they can be useful for breading purposes.

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